
Your Timetable in the 9292 planner

Passenger transport in the 9292 travel advice system

Would you like to bring your passenger transport to the attention of a large audience? This is possible by having your timetable taken up in the 9292 travel advice. We can incorporate different types of transport. Ranging from buses to ferries, if you travel according to a timetable, your service can be taken up in the 9292 travel advice system. We will gladly assist you with tailor-made advice!

Timetable in the 9292 travel advice

Does your transport pass by a particular route according to a timetable? In that case, we can show your transport in the 9292 travel advice. The 9292 travel advice system always displays the fastest travel advice. If that’s your transport, this will be shown in the travel advice requested by the traveller.

Also visible on other channels

If we process your timetable in the 9292 travel advice system, your passenger transport will not only be shown in the 9292’s planners. The transport will also be shown in 9292’s other channels, services and products. The channels of customers of the 9292 Travel Advice API (amongst which many transporters) will also show your transport. Optionally, DRIS and Open Data can also be purchased.

And also…

In addition to the timetable, we also place the company name and its logo in the travel advice and at departure points. In this way, your company is displayed even more and branding occurs. Your company’s details are also shown on the transporters page, making it easier for passengers to find your contact information, such as your website and email address. Furthermore, it is possible to add information regarding rates, so that passengers can instantly obtain information regarding the cost of their journey. Finally, we can also display disruptions and/or modifications to the static timetable, making the timetable even more accurate.

Interested in our options?

Would you like to know more about what we can offer you? Please contact our Servicedeks at +31 88 – 07 60 620 or send an email to