
Locaties API additional documentation

9292 Locaties API introduction

Planning with bicycles and mopeds in a public transport travelling advice is a standard feature of the 9292 Reisadvies API. By assigning the ‘FirstMile’ and or ‘LastMile’ parameter with the values ‘PrivateBicycle’ or ‘PrivateElectricBicycle’ you can provide the traveler with the appropriate public transport travel advice in which he or she can use their own bicycle or electric bicycle to and from a bicycle transfer point located near a train station or a bus/metro/tram stop. To use a moped in the transport travel advice use the value ‘PrivateMoped’.

The 9292 Reisadvies API also supports the use of rental bicycles and mopeds. Assigning the value ‘PublicBicycle’, ‘PublicElectricBicycle’ or ‘PublicMoped’ to the ‘LastMile’ parameter will return a transport travel advice with an extra transition-leg to the appropriate rental location.

The planner is not looking at opening times or bicycles that are actually available at that time, but returns the most optimal travel advice to a cluster we have marked as suitable to transfer with a bike (for example because a location of a provider of rental bikes is within range of the cluster).

Information on the actual number of available bikes is available in real time (with a delay of maximum a few minutes based on the data of the source) in the 9292 Locaties API. This API offers information on the rental locations per arrival or departure location and the details of this location (for example the number of available assets and opening times).

This short manual introduces how you can use the interface of the 9292 Locaties API to enhance the public transport travel advice data with rental locaties on your website or other products. This is an addition to the online open api (Swagger) documentation, which can be found at Here you can also try out requests (when you have a 9292 Reisadvies API token).

The basis of the 9292 Locaties API is JSON. Knowledge of WebAPI and JSON technologies as a developer is necessary to use this API.

Terms of service

Usage of the 9292 Locaties API is prohibited without the approval of 9292.


9292 Logo

Is it mandatory to show the 9292 logo when using the information on a different page than a travel advice. Only the logo is required, no text.
9292 will give approval on the location of the logo before you transfer to the production environment. This is done to safeguard the usage of the 9292 logo.
The logo can be found at the following URL:


Release notes

Software version


22-09-2021 v2.1.3

  • First public release of the 9292 Locaties API

24-01-2022 v2.1.5

  • Support for 45 kph mopeds
  • The maximum speed (MaxSpeed) in kph is returned with the asset
  • Fix for showing the correct number of mopeds within 'free floating' systems
  • Fix for showing the data is up-to-date within 'free floating' systems

03-03-2022 v2.1.7

  • Support for Donkey Republic locations and available vehicles
  • Name field of Felyx mopeds will be filled with licenseplate instead of ‘id’ if there is no name available
  • In the Facility endpoint the number of available assets will be 1 in case of a ‘free floating’ location
07-09-2022 v3.0
Major expansion of the 9292 Locaties API feature set:
  • OV-Fiets locations have been added to the data set
  • Added support for requests based on coordinates (for example @53.2,5.5)
  • New endpoints:
  1. NearbyAssets – Requests assets near a given locationId or coordinate (search radius is 500m)
  2. NearbyPublicModalityTypes – Requests a list of available modality types near a given locationId or coordinate (based on the proximity to a rental location)
  3. OperatorDetails – Requests detailed information on ‘transport on demand’ operators, based on the name of the operator and the coordinates of the vehicle’s departure location
  • Facilities endpoint has been renamed to NearbyFacilities (it returns rental locations within 500m of the requested location id or coordinate)
  • FacilityId request endpoint has been simplified
  • Description of fields in the technical documentation has been improved
  • Language can only be set using the “Accept-Language” header. This replaces the ‘Language’ parameter
  • Every response now contains a ‘success’ indicator and in case of failure it will contain an ‘ErrorType’ and an ‘ErrorMessage’ to explain why the request failed
  • Requests are asynchronous and support cancellation tokens


  • Fix for the updating of rental vehicles
  • Made the request for a ModalityType, FacilityId or AssetId case-insensitive
  • Added day of week translations to the "ServiceHour" property
20-03-2023 v3.0.0.9
  • NearbyFacilities and NearbyAssets are always showing the same number of assets


  • Unlocking unique IDs for "Donkey Republic" shared vehicles to allow the user to choose/rent a specific shared vehicle
  • Unlocking the CO2 value of shared vehicles if it is present in the data source
  • The check on the validity of clusterId and location-url in a request is no longer capital letter sensitive
  • '(Dutch only)' is no longer displayed if the language choice is not Dutch and only a Dutch text is available

API Security

The 9292 Reisadvies API is secured and can only be used when you have been given a Token or a so-called APIKey by 9292. This ‘Token’ consists of symbols and letters, which is provided through a license agreement. This license agreements allows our customers to make requests to our server.
This ‘Token’ should be kept secret and not shared with any other party. In case of misuse 9292 can deactivate your account.

Access token

You will receive a Token via e-mail from the 9292 Servicedesk. The Token is your identification code which gives you access to the acceptance environment of the 9292 Reisadvies API. Once you have completed your implementation and your service has been tested by 9292, you may switch to the production environment. The 9292 Servicedesk will send you a new Token for the production environment.
After transferring to the production environment, the acceptance environment will remained accessible for two weeks.

The Token must be included in the header of each request. Here is an example of a request header:

Header Key



Token <MY_TOKEN>





Please note:

The 9292 Locaties API only supports HTTPS requests.

okens are sent to identify a particular customer and thus the tapping of the HTTP stream can be abused.



The Locatie API 2.0 has 2 endpoints; Facilities and Facility. Both can be used to requestr information about rental locations and assets, with the difference that 'Facilities' can be used to request multiple locaties that are close to a specific station or stop and 'Facility' can be used to (re-)request information on a specific location on the basis of a 'FacilityId' that is available with every facility when a list of facilities has been requested.

Facilities can be requested on the basis of a Location Id connected to the leg that refers to PublicBicycle/PublicMoped/PublicElectricBicycle modalities in the travel advice. For example 'station-den-haag-centraal' used for station Den Haag Centraal in below excerpt of a 9292 Reisadvies API request.




 "Location": {
    "DisplayName""Den Haag Centraal"

The JSON request that should be sent in the body of a request to the /Facilities/ endpoint looks like this:




    "getAssets" false,

The field names have the following meanings:






Id of the location in the leg of a Reisadvies API advice.



Return the individual asset locaties (only when used in a 'free floating' asset system).


Array van modaliteiten

Return a specific type of asset like PublicBicycle, PublicMoped, PublicElectricBicycle. Multiple types can be requested or all types are returned if the modality field is empty.


Array of modality types

Return location type (only ‘Rental’ is available).



Return service area's belonging to the location. This will return a list of coordinates that form the area.



Date of the travel advice, used to show if a location is open or closed.



Content can be shown in English or Dutch (if available).

The response will look like the following (see further technical documentation at for the full object and all fields):




    "name""Fietsenstalling CS (Nieuw)",
    "openingHourSummary""Nu open: 00:00 - 23:59",
    "Provider" {
            "brand""HTM Fiets",
            "conditions""Lees de informatie op",

Based on above response the facility can be directly called via the /Facility/ endpoint, by using the FacilityId "HTM-Fiets-24fa4849-2a83-40e1-8a6b-6852f937aeaa" in the request.

Numbers shown in 'NumberOfAssets' and 'NumberOfAssetsAvailable' are updated with real time information in an interval of 1 or 2 minutes. The same is the case for the current location of assets when request is sent with 'GetAssets' true.

Locations are returned in a specific order:

  • First on the basis of being up-to-date and the number of available assets > 0,
    • then by Brand and Name of the location
  • then based on not being up-to-date and the number of available assets > 0,
    • then by Brand and Name of the location
  • then based on being up-to-date with 0 assets,
    • then by Brand and Name of the location

If Dutch or English information can be returned is dependent on this information begin available with the data supplioers. In some cases the tag '(Dutch only)' will be placed in front of the text, if only Dutch text is available and English text is requested.